Invasive Fauna pose significant challenges to biodiversity and ecosystems in the UK. These species, which are non-native, can outcompete local wildlife for resources such as food and habitat, leading to the decline or extinction of native species. The introduction of invasive fauna often disrupts food chains and alters ecosystem dynamics, resulting in lasting environmental damage.

One of the most notable examples is the grey squirrel, which has displaced the native red squirrel across much of the UK. Similarly, the Asian hornet threatens local honeybee populations, which are crucial for pollination and agriculture. These trends highlight the importance of managing invasive species to protect native biodiversity and maintain ecological balance.

Controlling invasive fauna is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps preserve the integrity of native species and the habitats they rely upon. By limiting the spread of invasive species, conservation efforts can support the recovery of native populations. Secondly, the economic implications of invasive species cannot be overlooked. They can cause significant damage to agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, leading to financial losses for landowners and businesses.

Effective management strategies include monitoring invasive populations, implementing control measures, and restoring affected habitats. Public engagement and education are also crucial, as individuals can play a role in preventing the spread of invasive species through responsible pet ownership and reporting sightings.


    Grey Squirrels need to be controlled because they impact our native wildlife and trees in a negative way. They carry a disease called Parapoxvirus which does not affect grey squirrels, but it does affect and often kill the native Red squirrels. They bark strip trees between the months of May to June. They are known for taking eggs and young chicks from songbird and ground nesting bird nests.


    Short-term, Long-term and single-day rabbit control

    Rabbits can cause a lot of damage so control is sometimes needed. They can clear whole sowings of vegetables and newly planted borders along with killing trees and shrubs by gnawing the bark.


    Mink predate on the endangered native water vole so controlling mink is key to the survival of the water vole. As an Ecology company, we control the non-native, invasive American mink to preserve the native water vole.


    Pheasants are native to Asia but reared and released in the UK for the shooting industry. In some situations, pheasants can cause damage to ecological sites and habitats, where they need to be controlled.


    Canada geese are Non native & an invasive species in the Uk. They cause damage to crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat etc. They also graze sporting grounds e.g. golf courses, cricket grounds etc. Canada geese also spread human disease and can cause slips, trips & falls.

    They are managed under General licence GL41 & GL42.